Legal claims against Harrods and Fulham FC following allegations of abuse in BBC documentary
Following the release of the recent BBC documentary titled: Al-Fayed: Predator at Harrods, numerous women have come forward with accusations of sexual misconduct, including harassment, assault, emotional abuse, and rape. These allegations span from the early 1970s through the early 2000s, with many of the alleged incidents occurring during Mohamed Al-Fayed’s tenure as the owner of Harrods.
The Metropolitan Police is now reportedly investigating 40 new allegations of sexual assault and rape against Al-Fayed. These claims suggest a long history of exploitation and abuse of power, with many survivors describing how they felt silenced by Al-Fayed and those working for him. The police are also currently investigating whether any other individuals could be pursued for any criminal offences.
In addition to the criminal investigations, there are also potential civil claims that may arise as a result of Al-Fayed’s predatory behaviour. These civil claims can provide a pathway for victims to receive remedies such as financial compensation and an apology for the harm suffered, such as emotional distress, lost earnings, and therapy costs.
There are a number of bases that victims may bring civil claims against Harrods or Fulham Football Club in order to seek vindication or compensation for the wrongdoing committed against them. These include claims based on negligence, vicarious liability or breach of contract in which Harrods or Fulham Football Club may be held liable for the actions of Al-Fayed.
Investigating a claim
The team at Taylor Hampton have extensive experience with civil complaints, including in group litigation over the years to support victims who have suffered severe distress due to the systematic failures of corporate entities and their staff. We have successfully worked together with other claimant lawyers to obtain fantastic results for our clients as well as significant advances in the law of privacy.
We have acted for our clients on a Conditional Fee (“no win no fee”) basis in order for our clients to be able to retain their damages and not be liable for our legal costs. In bringing claims our clients have been able to explore and better understand the wrongs committed against them, the impact on their careers, relationships and psychological state, and obtain relief such as an apology, a statement in open court, as well as substantial damages. Through the litigation process, depending on the desired outcomes of our clients, we help victims get compensation, justice and vindication for what has happened to them, and obtain evidence to shed light on corporate failures so that lessons can be learned for the future. As lawyers, we aim to guide clients through every step of the process sensitively and to make the process as clear and comfortable as possible.
We are currently in the early stages of investigating claims. Individuals who have been affected or wish to confidentially discuss their experiences can contact Taylor Hampton Solicitors regarding any questions or concerns they may have.
For more information
If you would like to get in touch to confidentially seek advice, please send an email to [email protected] and [email protected] and we will arrange to give you a call.