Lia is a Partner at Taylor Hampton who specialises in civil and media litigation with significant experience in defamation, privacy, breach of confidence and harassment claims. She has acted for numerous Claimants against major newspaper titles in relation to phone hacking claims. She is also a participating member of the Art Due Diligence Group, in relation to dispute resolution, litigation and reputation management matters.
Lia Represented many Claimants in actions against News Group Newspapers and Mirror Group Newspapers for breach of confidence and misuse of private information claims arising from the unlawful interception of voicemail messages.
Lia is a Partner and Departmental Head at Taylor Hampton, she is a highly experienced litigator who specialises in civil and media litigation, encompassing a broad range of matters including defamation, privacy, breach of confidence and harassment claims.
Lia has substantial experience in the phone hacking litigation and has represented many claimants in actions against major newspaper titles for breach of confidence and misuse of private information claims arising from the unlawful interception of voicemail messages (“phone hacking”). Lia has been involved in the two pivotal trials that have taken place to date, Gulati & Ors v MGN Limited and Duke of Sussex & Ors v MGN Limited, the former of which established a record level of damages in privacy actions. Throughout her career, Lia has been successful in guiding numerous victims of unlawful activity through the litigation process and obtaining relief on their behalf in the form of substantial damages, private letters of apologies and statements in open court, as well as undertakings to prevent further unlawful targeting of them.
In addition to her extensive experience in litigating matters through the courts, she has resolved numerous claims out of court, either on a pre-action basis or by utilising methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution such as mediation and arbitration.
Lia handles cases on behalf of her clients discreetly and has acted for a number of high-profile individuals, including well-known television personalities and actors, musicians, talent agents, managers, as well as private individuals.
Lia has an excellent record of success on behalf of her clients and is a fierce advocate for victims of media abuse as well as other forms of injustice whilst handling all claims with compassion and sensitivity. Lia and her team are currently investigating claims against Harrods arising from the abuse perpetrated by Mohamed Al Fayed.
Lia has made various media appearances, commenting on topical issues in privacy and media law including on national television and Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4.