Reputation Management in the art world – Taylor Hampton Features in Art Ratio News

Reputation Management in the art world is important to preserve integrity. Taylor Hampton Solicitors Art Law Department assists clients with reputation management.  Equally, the firm’s art law team assists the art market to preserve good standing. It does this by assisting clients in matters of slander, libel, litigation and privacy.

Therefore, we are delighted that we featured in the series of Expert Interviews by Art Ratio. ArtRatio promotes preservation for fine art objects using smart glass technology.  For more information please read the full interview which offers an insight into how to avoid reputational damage.  Social media growth means increased risk from damaged reputations.  This will arise from slander (spoken) and libel (written) when someone publishes malicious content. Consequently it is vital to ensure care when publicly criticising another.  Social media posts travel fast.  Because malicious comment is damaging, reputation management in the art world is now a serious concern.

Finally, visit our defamation page HERE for more information.

Taylor Hampton Solicitors art law team also supports artists with Exceptional Talent UK Visas for immigration.


For all enquiries please call Taylor Hampton on +44 20 7427 5970